Wednesday, April 29, 2009


My friend owns Witt's in Lakeview and I'm working to get some of my prints ready to be displayed there.
I know I want to switch the order of these- pair different things together
but i like the idea of doing 2 different photos together on one print-so I have been digging through past photos trying to piece some fun ones together to show... it's challenging to find ones that fit together in a cool way
okay- so pete came home and told me my pairings were a little too random - and i agree- i was just using everything and had no theme- so i decided just to focus on the prairie and chicago river shots - so here are 5 updated ones that im still playing around with...
Photobucket need a few more- will keep you posted!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Forrest- Month 9!

Look who started crawling! It was a rainy day when we took his pics but next time we are planning on warmth and sunshine and some outdoor shots! Finally the weather is turning here in Chicago, I'm sooooo done with winter and excited to jump into wedding season- have a bunch coming up and will start posting them soon!
Photobucket Photobucket

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

more griffey

Photobucket my adorable loving this purplish tint in black and whites at the moment

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

more rain

Photobucket my pup is moping around the house cause i don't want to take him outside to play- too icky out!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Kauai day 7: SPA DAY!

are you guys sick of hearing about kauai yet? you should be cause i'm an over-documenter, and because my new years resolution to keep a written journal tanked, so this is it for me! anyway, our hotel grounds, the lovely, centrally located and affordable aston islander on the beach, a great fit for our trip!
for our last day on the island we decided no more hiking - we were pretty exhausted and we needed some R&R! so we made appointments for massages at the Anara Spa - what our guidebook named as one of the most beautiful spas in hawaii!
i packed some cute little sun dresses, but barely got to wear them as i spent a lot of my trip falling in mud, (not that im complainig- i wanted an adventure- not to lounge by the pool). still- nice to get in a day of pampering and wear an outfit that i wasn't gonna trash- so i had to document it!
my sisters jokingly refer to pete's last name as ukulele- even though its not that similar!
walking up to the spa, and pete "big pimpin" in his spa robe! and these last 4 shots i nabbed of the anara spa website, as i didn't take my camera in there (not sure if semi-nude spa patrons would have appreciated it)!
the message was pricey- but well worth it cause along with your message you get all day access to the pools, jacuzzis, outdoor showers, cabanas, steam rooms, saunas, and all the "fruited" water and tea you can drink. so we made a day of it until we had to catch our flight home.
ta da- the end! more then you ever wanted to know about my vacation to hawaii- but what an amazing trip!

Friday, April 17, 2009

kauai day 6: our last beer before tomorrow

breakfast at an outdoor coffee and fruit stand before we head back to waimea canyon for a "mini-hike"
on the first trip there we were too exhasted from the canyon trail to walk to the famous lookout spot at the top of the park so we thought we would make a return visit and check it out.
ummm- yep- pete is once again sporting his super cool black socks with his german tourist hat- (practical but not too pretty pete!)
but when we got there the view was shrouded by clouds
oh goody- another slippery trail where if i fall off the edge it will mean certain death! after hiking that we needed a drink..
so south of the park we stopped at the waimea brewing company, "the worlds westernmost brewpub" for lunch and some cervezas!
their slogan- "the last beer before tomorrow" hee hee
it was set on the grounds of a gorgeous old plantation that is now a small and low key resort
you can rent out these adorable bungalows- so cute (and pricey!)
i think this is a banyon tree? gorgeous- and so huge- this picture shows less then 1/2 of the trunk!
next we headed over to the ritzy SW side of the island (where all the resorts are) for some sunshine
we even fit in a little bit of beach/chill time!
at dinner pete nabbed these awesome long exposure shots, yep- all with our trusty point and shoot (you can do it too- just put your camera on a steady surface- turn off the flash- and make sure your subject holds still)
Photobucketgood job pete- you have done well young grasshopper!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

kauai day 5: sleeping giant

this day did not have the best start, we headed off on an "easy hike" to see a few waterfalls- well the easy hike tried to kill us-
the trail was so muddy we both slipped more then a few times and got filthy -and angry! falling in mud is only funny when pete is doing it! (hee hee)
although we did manage to make it to the first set of falls
but we decided to bail on the trail early and pick out a better one-

thats how we found the sleeping giant trail
sweet shoes with black socks pete!
but after falling every other step and being covered in mud after the first hike i don't think i looked much better
and the view from the top made it all worth while!
after a long lunch - we found this pretty much abandonded dirt road that led to another light house, yipee!
and here is pete on "illegal land" with surveillance cameras all over and postings that read "do not cross-US security land- you will be persecuted" ...he wasn't too worried...
but if the government takes him in the middle of the night- we will all know why!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Kauai day 4: bikes and boats!

this was my favorite day on the island! in the morning we took a bike ride on the east side- including a climb up towards the mountains and through the country side - quite a workout on the way up- but a pretty sweet coast down!
And in the afternoon we headed over to the southwest side of the island to catch a catamaran tour of the NaPali coast- the best way to see the gorgeous cliffs!
we saw tons of dolphins and even a few humpback whales jumping out of the waters
I was having a blast and spend most of the 5 hour tour on the very front perch of the boat
but after we stopped to watch the sunset...
Photobucket pete developed a little problem with the motion of the ocean (as you can see on his face)
Photobucket yep... he got a little sea sick!