Thursday, February 25, 2010

out of office

i'm shutting down shop for the next 5 days- we are off to colorado for a ski vacation...cause what i really need right now is more snow ; ) i will get back to all emails, phone calls and print orders on wednesday.

and because no blog post is complete without a's an oldie of my pup under the dining room table. i felt so guilty dropping him off at the boarding place tonight- don't know how i will ever let my future kids go to school when i can barely let my dog go to a kennel!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


i'm a huge fan of concert posters, the style, the colors, the price! what's not to love? came across a few today that i think will make a great contribution to my collection so i bought them- yahoooooo...
loved the colors in the blue one and the station wagon one totally reminds me of road trips when i was a kid. my fam would pile into our awesome wood paneled station wagon and hit the open road. it was a time before seatbelts and we would make the back a huge bed and all crawl into our sleeping bags, read books with our flash lights and yell that another sibling was in our space until my dad would threaten us with pulling the car over....good times :)

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


above, a few iphone snaps from the top of the sears tower - i haven't been up there in years but have been wanting to go check out the new suspended glass flooring and my cousin's visit a few weeks ago gave us the motivation. was a little spooky to wander out on it but very cool!

the photos below are from recent trips to the lakehouse- and the red thing around griffey's neck in the first shot is his christmas collar that i made him wear for most of december....adorable! the first and second shot below were taken at the same spot about a month apart - shows how the lake builds up with frozen waves over the winter- this time of year it looks like the surface of moon out there!

Monday, February 15, 2010


some tulips my hubby gave me for valentine's along with a line from a great song that is popping up everywhere lately by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros -you can check it out here. hmmm- actually, it sounds like they are saying "home is whenever i'm with you"not what i wrote above-oops- either way- it gives me warm fuzzies. happy belated valentines day everyone!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


A few favorites from a fun family photo shoot with adorable one year old Harrison!

Wednesday, February 03, 2010


had to share a few early favorites of these adorable one month old twins- im just getting started on the editing but they were sooo cute- we got lots of good stuff! also had a fun family shoot on sunday- will get a preview up soon!