Wednesday, January 30, 2008

my san francisco bedroom!

Is it weird to post photos of my bedroom on the internet? hmmmm.....probably- but its also photography related so i'm gonna go for it! im really happy with some prints i had blown up and framed from my visit to San Francisco this fall so I wanted to share them. My bedroom already had a SF vibe going with the collage i made for over the bed, so i thought these prints would be a fun addition

Im not big into theme decorating - definitely im more eclectic- but this kinda worked as a happy accident that everything in here is now san francisco - anyway- here are the two biggest prints, one is a dilapidated building on Alcatraz and one of a cable car
Here's a close up of the art over the bed- i bought a wood board at a hardware store- spray painted it green and mounted on some funky old vintage SF postcards that i found at a bookstore- this I did years ago but still like it!
And the biggest wall (straight across from the bed) has 6 closely hung colorful prints of different parts of the city- Tada!

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